Armor of God
Plate with Bible and cutlery on white wooden table, flat lay. Lent season


Is walking, running, climbing. Your feet and mind will be put to the test.


The process in which you will find a way to reach God and your community better.


Slowly raising the bar; one day at a time. So we can build a community, family, friendship.


The 21 Days of Spiritual Warfare


– Physical Cleansing: From the time you wake up until THE TIME YOU BREAK YOUR FAST, do not eat any food. You can drink water. No beverages with sugar or caffeine. (If you’re on medication, please check with your doctor before joining this fast)

2.      From  2:30pm – 3:00pm – Spiritual Cleansing: Preparing for effectiveness:
        ⁃       Seek the presence of God,
        ⁃       Repent and confess all your sins, including the transgressions you and anyone in the household may have committed.
        ⁃       Forgive others who have wronged you
        ⁃       Commit to living holy and righteous for the rest of the night.

3. From Building Your Battle Engagement 3:00pm – 6:00pm
        ⁃       Read scriptures that pertain to God as a mighty warrior;  Find your prayer closet again by put on the full Armor of God.
        ⁃       Meditation and memorize one scripture per week
        ⁃       Prayer: Spend quality time in prayer. Pray prayers that elevate and exalt the Lord. Pray prayers of faith, anticipatory prayers that envision your situation is solved. Afterward, pray prayers of thanksgiving

4. From 6:00 pm to wake up: Commit to living holy the next 24 hours. Become conscious and purposeful of your decisions, your actions, reactions, and your interactions in your relationships.

Mullery Jean-Pierre
Senior Pastor

“For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”                        2 Corinthians 10:3-5

We must understand that we are engaged in a spiritual war that wants to turn us away from God and render ineffective the position of victory that the blood of Jesus already won for us on the Cross. Therefore, we must be well equipped for every spiritual battle. This verse reveals that the battle begins in our mind before we can act upon it. It’s like an invasion of sorts, a hostile takeover. We must destroy the competing  arguments in our minds that come from people, the prevalent philosophies of our society, and even some of the ministries we watch online if we are to destroy the arguments, perceptions, and pretensions that set themselves up as the authority in our minds. These “authorities” so often become an authority against God. 

Therefore, we must bring our heart and our thoughts into line with Christ and place every thought under the authority of Christ in obedience to Him–taking every single thought captive, every passing idea, any musing or wondering, all of it must obey Christ. 

We must identify and eliminate those thoughts that have anything to do with putting someone or something in the place of Christ, in our lives and our minds. God may use our own knowledge and the wisdom of others but only so far as Christ is preeminent in our hearts. 

When we take hold of and cast down imaginations and every high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God, that includes every prideful thought, every inflated, egotistical word, every prideful look, vain attitude, and every foolish imagination.

The more we think of the Lord Jesus, the less we think of ourselves. The greater He is the central focus of our thoughts, the more we have taken captive every imagination in obedience to Christ. 

What are some thoughts and arguments you can identify that disguise you from the truth of who God is or attempt to distract you from drawing closer to Jesus? Pray and decide today to take them captive. Any thoughts out of line with Him should be out of line to listen to or follow. Destroy those arguments before they destroy any parts of your life! God has given you divine power to refuse and demolish strongholds.

-Beraca Baptist Church

“Little children, you are of God, and have overcome them; for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”   1 John 4:4 (NIV)

We have moved from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light. Our filthy covering of sin has been replaced with a robe of righteousness. We have been transferred from an earthly position in-Adam to a heavenly positioned in-Christ. We have left the family of Satan to become an eternally adopted child of God and joint-heirs with Christ. In Him, we are seated in heavenly places. Hallelujah!

But there is more, for we have all been given the gift of the permanently indwelling Holy Spirit of Christ, Who Himself triumphed over every proud principality and power, crushing the head of sin and darkness at the greatest Cross-Road of history. At the Cross of Calvary, our Saviour victoriously and irreversibly pronounced, “it is finished!” Victory has been secured, and the evil enemy of our soul is already defeated.

The deep desire of the enemy is to overwhelm every child of God with a deluge of schemes and strategies, errors and temptations…. but the armies of hell cannot prevail against the Lord and His Anointed, nor can he overcome the children of God, for the indwelling Holy Spirit is an ever-present Helper in times of trouble, and He is far greater in power and wisdom.

Under the shadow of His wings, we can cry, “I will not fear, what can man do to me,” nor will I fear what the devil is trying to do to me either, for we are on the victory side. We have overcome them because of our faith in Christ, Who lives inside our mortal frame,” for did you not know that our bodies are the Temple of the Living God?”

The Spirit of God has taken up permanent residence in the hearts of all His children and we have become the dwelling-place of the all-powerful, all-mighty, all-knowing, all-gracious God. We can truly rejoice that we are from God and have overcome the enemy – for greater is HE that is in me than he that is in the world – greater in might, majesty, dominion, and power – wisdom, goodness, and grace.

-Beraca Baptist Church

“Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith.”  1 Peter 5:8-9 (NIV)

The devil is a terrible adversary who prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour, discredit, discourage and disengage from their Christian calling. Satan and his fallen angels strive all day long and throughout the night to shipwreck the faith of believers – and he takes no holidays from his pursuits.

Although he is neither omniscient nor omnipotent, nevertheless, the devil continues-on, his plan to discredit our Christian testimony and bring dishonor to the name of the Lord; so we are exhorted to resist him, and to withstand his evil approaches. We are never told to rebuke the devil, however, we can certainly resist his evil advances, for we have been given the spiritual tools to do so. It is when we are clothed in Christ and covered in His righteousness that we are enabled to resist Satan and stand firm in the Christian faith. However, the believer that is not grounded in the Word of God, or who is tossed about by every wind of doctrine, is unstable in all his ways, and will not have the godly wisdom necessary to withstand the devil’s fury and resist his ungodly approaches.

Our hope is in Christ alone. He is our righteousness, our peace, our hope, and our endurance. The devil cannot accuse us when we are abiding in Christ and covered in the armor of God – for Christ is our salvation and we have the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. In Christ, we have the answer to every accusation of the enemy, and the remedy for each of his ungodly temptations, but we are to put on the whole armor of God so that we may be able to stand firm against the devil’s strategies.

-Beraca Baptist Church

“No weapon that is formed against you will prosper, and every tongue that accuses you in judgment you will condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their vindication is from Me,” declares the Lord.   Isaiah 54:17 (NIV)

3 Reasons Why No Weapon Formed against You Will Prosper

1. God’s Protection Is More Powerful Than the Enemy

In a world that seems to be spinning out of control, it’s comforting to know God has promised to protect his people. We may not be on the front lines of war but we all face an enemy who intends to steal, kill, and destroy.

He is called Yahweh Machseh, meaning God is our refuge, our fortress, and strong tower. God encompasses, covers, and shields those who make him their refuge. His presence—the anointing—is a kind of force field of protection making you inaccessible to the enemy. The same force field allowed Daniel to survive the lions’ den (Daniel 6:16-22).

That same protection belongs to us today when we dwell in the secret place of the Most -Highest (Psalm 91:1). Even when disaster strikes, storms rage, and prayers seem unanswered—God will prevail.

2. God’s Word Is a Shield over You 

The Word covers you so that no fiery dart of the devil can penetrate your life. God desires to bless you, to surround you with goodwill, to always protect you. He does this with His Word.

Even though as a Christ-follower the Holy Spirit lives within you, you still must make sure you have your shield of faith in place when the devil aims a fiery dart at you. How? By knowing God’s Word intimately, and standing on His Word.

Evil will come knocking. Circumstances may look grim. But keep your heart fixed on God’s Word—look to His promises instead of the situation. Resist the devil. Take your seat in the refuge of the Most -High and stay put! Hold your position even under pressure and your enemy will flee (James 4:7).

Attach yourself to God. Get in His Word and declare it. Make it a priority to spend time with Him every day. Let everything in your life revolve around your relationship with Him.

3. You Are Sealed

Christ-followers are sealed by God. The word sealed in the New Testament comes from a Greek word that means “to stamp with a private mark” in the interest of keeping something secret or protecting or preserving the sealed object.

Even Jesus bore the seal of God: “On him, God the Father has placed his seal of approval” (John 6:27). Those who trust in Jesus also possess the seal of God, which is the Holy Spirit: “You also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession” (Ephesians 1:13–14).

There are five other passages in the Bible that refer to a “seal of God” or an object or person sealed by God (John 6:27; 2 Timothy 2:19; Revelation 6:9; Revelation 7:2; and Revelation 9:4).

This means the enemy may try to harm us or destroy us, but we are ultimately saved in Christ.

-Beraca Baptist Church

Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to this, take up the shield of faith, that with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.                            Ephesians 6:11-17 (NIV)
We are engaged in an ongoing, spiritual battle with unseen spiritual forces of evil. Since we are members of Christ’s spiritual body, therefore, our battle is a spiritual battle against a spiritual enemy. They are Spiritual rulers of darkness that influence the evil that is taking place in this world today and in our lives however, they can never be defeated in our lives through natural weapons and worldly ways. It is the Holy Spirit of God, Who works in believers and it is the evil spirit of wickedness that works in the sons of disobedience. Because we are in Christ and He is in us, therefore, we are to fight this enemy with the spiritual weapons that He has provided – through the Word of God and all-prayer.
These are the Spiritual Weapons:
TRUTH: The very first piece of our protective covering is truth. We are instructed to have our loins girt about with truth, for without the gospel of truth, which comes from above, we believe a lie. Without the truth of the glorious gospel of Christ, we are dead in our sin and condemned to an eternity without God.
FAITH – At salvation, we are saved by faith and are eternally protected from the arrow of death and fires of eternal damnation. Throughout our Christian life, we are to continue to walk by faith. We need faith in the Word of God to sustain us, and we need to believe all God’s promises to His children, for we are to live our entire life by faith in Him.
The Helmet is used to protect your mind from the knowledge of your salvation. The enemy knows that if he can cause you to doubt your salvation he will cause you to lose faith in the very essence of your salvation. To protect your mind with your belief in the word.
The Sword of The Spirt – Is the word of God. Again the emphasis is on protecting by using the word. The Word is the blade that will cut through every attack from the enemy. The word of God is living, powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword and every portion of Scripture points to the Lord Jesus Christ, for He is the living Word.
PRAY- The essence of all prayer is an admission of utter helplessness combined with absolute confidence in God to supply all our needs according to His great riches in His great glory – and so when we live in an attitude of prayer – when we pray without ceasing, we are simply maintaining the ongoing and constant attitude of simple, child-like trust and helpless dependence upon the Father.
To pray in the Spirit is only possible when we are living in unbroken fellowship with the Father, for a life that is living, walking, and praying in spirit and truth is one is submitted to His leading and guidance – for the one that lives in helpless submission and dependent upon the Holy Spirit, is the one that truly prays in the spirit.
-Beraca Baptist Church
Beraca Baptist Church 
21 Days of Fasting and Prayer
Theme: Spiritual Warfare
Today’s Verse Romans 8:37
“In all these things, we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.”
After listing some of the most traumatic circumstances of life that may afflict us in the physical, emotional, and spiritual realms, and having proclaimed that nothing can separate us from Christ’s love, including tribulation and distress; famine and nakedness; peril; persecution and death.
Paul emphatically declares that in every single situation that crosses our path in time and eternity, it is through Christ and in Christ that we are overwhelming conquers and irrepressible victors – because of His great love for each of us.
This should rejoice our heart, comfort our soul, should cause us to praise His wonderful name for all His overflowing blessings of love and the immeasurable depths of grace towards us.
How often are we told to abide in Christ, to rest in Him and remain Him and once again we are reminded that when faith is founded on this one, sure Foundation, nothing can destroy our hope; demolish our faith; disturb our peace or disrupt our fellowship with the lover of our soul, for when we remain in Christ we become irrepressible conquers and overwhelming victors.
This is a godly principle of faith – that when we abide in Christ during the inevitable disasters that flood our lives, faith increases; trust is amplified; hope is expanded, and our love of Jesus reaches even greater heights.
Such a life of victory has nothing to do with our great strength or ability; if it was of ourselves we would be overwhelmed by all these things rather than being a conquer through Christ. We must remember that we are overwhelming victors NOW – not only in the future but today, for He has promised that in ALL these things we are MORE than conqueror THROUGH Him, that LOVED us.
Let us believe His word which states that: in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him, that loved us.
Beraca Baptist Church 
21 Days of Fasting and Prayer
Theme: Spiritual Warfare
Verse: Zechariah 4:6 Then he said to me, “This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the LORD of hosts
This divine revelation is as relevant today as it was centuries ago for we must all come to an understanding that the Lord Himself will carry out His plans, which He alone has purposed – ‘not by might nor by power, but by the grace of God’s Spirit alone. Zerubbabel was not told HOW God was to carry out His plans and purposes… for like us, he only saw through a glass darkly – nevertheless, his responsibility, like ours, is to live by faith in God – to trust the Word of the Lord – to believe all that God has told us.
God is working His purpose out as years come and years go, but we are not always a part of the plans that God has purposed in the counsel of His own will. However, we are His workmanship… we are the spiritual Temple of God, that is being built together by His Holy Spirit. God’s work is not carried out by the cleverness of men or the influence of their mighty ministries– we are being built together by the work of the indwelling Spirit of God. We are the body of Christ. We are the Church of God that is quietly being built into His eternal dwelling place, precious stone by a precious stone.
Zerubbabel faced tremendous difficulties as he sought to carry out the work that God had prepared beforehand, for him to do – but he was given an assurance that he would complete the task that God had set before him… ‘not by might nor by power, but by the Spirit of God.
We too face increasing pressures in our own days and age and at times we too may be tempted to consider that the task of living by faith and trusting the Lord is overwhelming in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation… nevertheless this Word from the Lord is as true for us today as it was so many centuries ago – that God Who started a good work in us will complete it in the day of Christ Jesus… ‘not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the LORD.
Beraca Baptist Church 

21 Days of Fasting and Prayer

Theme: Spiritual Warfare
Verse: 2 Thess. 3:3 But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.”
Paul had just been teaching about the revealing of the coming man of lawlessness and the deception that was to be poured out on humankind. He had reminded them that this evil person would oppose all that is good and would exalt himself above every so-called god or object of worship – even to entering God’s sanctuary and proclaiming himself to be God.
It was necessary for Paul to teach these believers that lawlessness was already in the world and that the enemy of our soul seeks our ruination. BUT he joyfully reminds us that God is greater. GOD is faithful, and He has promised to establish us in the faith and guard us against the evil one.
We serve a good and faithful God, Who has promised to work His good work in the lives of all His children and establish each one in every good work and word. But we must be aware that we have a powerful enemy, who desires our downfall and seeks to shipwreck our faith. No wonder Paul was keen to remind this little group of believers that God is faithful to guard us against the evil one… that old serpent, who is called the devil and Satan.
Earlier in the chapter, Paul had spoken of the mystery of lawlessness, which was already at work in the world, in those early days of the Church. He had also taught about the restraining power that was suppressing wickedness and keeping evil from reaching its fullness, and Paul encouraged his listeners to hold fast in their faith and stand firm in the truth of the gospel because the days are evil. We all need to understand that humanity’s wickedness and the wiles of Satan will continue to batter the saints of God throughout this world – until Christ comes to set up His kingdom and puts all enemies under His feet.
Sin and death and Satan’s snares have no power over us, for the enemy was defeated at Calvary and God will not allow us to be tested above that which we are able to bear – but will provide us with an escape route, from all the worldly principles and fleshly practices that are dangled before us as bait, to draw us back into the evil, world system.
God knows our weakness, and He understands that our faith may fail, “BUT the Lord is faithful, Who shall establish you, and guard you from the evil one.”
Beraca Baptist Church 
21 Days of Fasting and Prayer
Theme: Spiritual Warfare
Verse: Luke 10:19
Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall hurt you.”
Jesus declared in verse nineteen, “Look, I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy.” In God’s original design, the man was given authority or dominion over all creation, but man forfeited that authority because of sin. Now, through Jesus Christ, the authority that God designed for His followers has been restored. We possess authority over Satan and the forces of evil.
We struggle with this doctrinal truth because we don’t feel like we have authority. We also fail to recognize the difference between authority and power. Satan is powerful. He is deceptive, persuasive, sinister, and strong. But, Jesus promised that we have authority over Satan. Just as a referee has authority in a football game to limit the activities of the players on the field, we can limit Satan’s influence in our life. Referees are not more powerful than the players.
Professional football players often exceed 300 pounds. Linebackers weighing 250 pounds run with the speed of a wide receiver and hit like freight trains. But, these monsters in helmets will stop and back up when the little man in the striped shirt blows a whistle or throws a yellow flag.
We should not try to compete with Satan according to strength. His legions of demons and spiritual forces are stronger than our flesh. Therefore, we do not wage war with weapons of the flesh but “through God for the demolition of strongholds” (2 Cor. 10:4).
A critical element of standing with authority is to surrender our ability. Jesus said the truth about spiritual authority has been hidden from wise men and revealed to infants (Luke 10:21). A child in the arms of God is mightier than the armies of the world. Through weakness, we experience our greatest strength. Paul wrote to the Corinthians that the weakness of God is stronger than the strength of men. When we are willing to surrender to God as a child does to a loving parent, we can access the power of God in our lives. I am convinced that this aspect of our faith is more difficult to grasp than seeing the unseen or applying authority. As proud people, we do not want to submit or surrender to anyone. We fail to see that we are not surrendering to the enemy but to a loving and strong God.
Beraca Baptist Church 
21 Days of Fasting and Prayer

Theme: Spiritual Warfare

Verse: The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:10

A thief in the earthly realm comes to steal and kill and destroy, and while the Lord walked on the earth there were many leaders of the Jews that sought to steal His position – and kill the Son and heir of God and to scatter the flock and to steal all that is His – but God’s plans and purposes will never be thwarted by jealous men.

Throughout the church age many enemies, both physical and spiritual, have sought to steal, kill and destroy the sheep in Christ’s little flock – but we are not to fear, for none can pluck them out of His hands for we are all safe in the hands of our heavenly Father, and the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church. For we who are all in Christ have already received the abundance of His life, and one day Christ Jesus will return, as He promised, to take us to be with Himself

But a time of great tribulation, beyond this church age is coming, when a final and terrible thief will come and try to steal, kill and destroy both the people of God and His Anointed King – this is the time of Jacob’s Trouble, (see Revelation 6ff) when a Christ-rejecting sinful world will experience the wrath of God – but we are not appointed to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ – our Saviour and Good Shepherd, Who will take us to the heavenly home He has prepared for all who love Him so that we might have life and have it more abundantly.

Beraca Baptist Church 
21 Days of Fasting and Prayer

Theme: Spiritual Warfare

Verse: I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33″ 

The deep desire of the enemy is to overwhelm every child of God with a deluge of schemes and strategies, errors and temptations…. but the armies of hell cannot prevail against the Lord and His Anointed, nor can he overcome the children of God, for the indwelling Holy Spirit is an ever-present Helper in times of trouble, and He is far greater in power and wisdom.

It was Christ’s triumph at the Cross that enabled John to proclaim to all who believe, “You are from God, little children, and have overcome them.”  The strength of the enemy may be great, but greater is the power of God almighty. Greater in might, majesty, dominion, and power, is the supremely pre-eminent, omnipotent God, Who has come to indwell His people. We have overcome the evil principalities and powers, “because greater is He Who is in you than he who is in the world.”

The Spirit of God has taken up permanent residence in the hearts of all His children and we have become the dwelling-place of the all-powerful, all-mighty, all-knowing, all-gracious God. We can truly rejoice that we are from God and have overcome the enemy – for greater is HE that is in me than he that is in the world – greater in might, majesty, dominion, and power – wisdom, goodness, and grace.


Beraca Baptist Church 
21 Days of Fasting and Prayer

Theme: Spiritual Warfare

VERSE: No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.

God does not promise to keep our lives free from difficulties and danger. He does not pledge to exempt us from fiery trials and troublesome temptations – nor even to prevent persecution, but He does undertake to limit its intensity and to provide a way of escape, so that we may be able to bear it.

It was after their miraculous escape from slavery in Egypt and God’s covenant to provide for all their needs, some turned away from the God of their salvation and became idolators. Some turned to sexual immorality and some grumbled, complained, and spoke evil against the Lord – they did not trust God to provide for their needs and Paul used Israel’s lack of faith in the wilderness as a warning to the Church against unbelief.

God’s promises to Israel and those to the Church continues even to believers today. And God has promised that no temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, Who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide a way of escape, so that you will be able to endure it.

Let us never forget that the temptations and trials in our lives are no different from what others experience – and God is faithful and has promised that He will not allow the temptation to be more than we can bear – but in His grace will provide a way out of it, so that we can endure it.

Beraca Baptist Church 
21 Days of Fasting and Prayer

Theme: Spiritual Warfare

Verse: And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. John 8:32

There are many who truly believe in Christ as Saviour, many who have trusted Him as their Redeemer, many who have placed faith in the only begotten Son of God for their salvation. There are many who have been born from above, but not all choose to abide in the truth of His word and as a result can become prey to a different gospel, or hearken to teachings that twist or distort the truth of God’s word.

A Christian is not necessarily a disciple of Jesus, BUT disciples of Christ are certainly Christians – believers who have learned and are continuing to learn more and more of Christ Jesus. When we obey the Word of God and learn of Christ we grow in spiritual knowledge, our spiritual understanding matures. The more we grow in our Christian life the more we develop in our freedom from the sinful nature that keeps us in bondage – and that freedom in Christ sets us free to live our life in spirit and truth.

Let us abide in the Word of God so that we may learn of Christ and grow in grace, for if we truly abide in Christ and He in us we will certainly be His disciples and we will know the truth and the truth will set us free.

Beraca Baptist Church 
21 Days of Fasting and Prayer

Theme: Spiritual Warfare

VERSE: Romans 12:21 Do not be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good.”

The desire to pay someone back for the wrong they have done to you is always tempting.  However, to take vengeance on someone for something they’ve done to you is to be overcome with evil because the same evil that caused them to hurt you is the same evil you are being led by to hurt them.

We are clearly told that vengeance on an enemy is not ours to pay back . Vengeance of evil belongs to God, and we must never take from the Lord what is rightfully His. Vengeance is the sacred premise of God, and a day is coming when He will judge the world, and all the evil acts perpetrated on His people, in righteousness.

There is a day of reckoning for all sinners which remains under God’s righteous jurisdiction alone. As believers, we have been given specific instructions to follow in order to overcome the evil of our enemies, “If your enemy is hungry, feed him. If he is thirsty, give him something to drink. For in so doing you will heap fiery coals on his head.”  There is nothing more remarkable to a sinner, entangled in sin, than a godly man or woman graciously repaying good for evil and offering kindness in response to all manner of evil.

It is not God’s will that anyone should perish – including our bitter enemies. It is God’s desire that all come to repentance and trust in Him for the forgiveness of sin and if we honour His will, by reacting to acts of evil with deeds of kindness, maybe it will help to bring a sinner to repentance and give glory to God.

It is not always easy to repay evil with good, but His grace is sufficient to enable us to love our enemies and to do good to those that despitefully use us. So Don’t be overcome with evil and render evil to those who hurt you but overcome evil with good.