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Welcome to Beraca Baptist Church. Whether you are visiting our website for the first time or plan on visiting our Brooklyn or Queens campus soon, we are so happy to meet you. You are important to us. We pray for you weekly and hope that your time with us is what God destined it to be, and what you hope for it to be.
First-time visitors hold a special place in our hearts. You can expect to be greeted with warm smiles from our members. Immediately following the worship service, you will have an opportunity to fellowship with our leaders over light refreshments. We don’t want you to leave without us getting to know you just a little bit, and you getting to know us. 
Our returning visitors are important to us, too. We appreciate your attendance on Sundays and at our events. You are valuable to our family. We pray for you weekly and want to support your Christian growth as much we can. If you need information about any of Beraca’s ministries, you may refer to the website or reach out to an usher in the sanctuary or at our Information Desk 718-257-1000.
Our vision is to exalt the Lord, educate our people and empower them to evangelize our community and enrich it with the presence of Christ. As we do this, we strive to build a community where you feel welcomed and can belong.
May God bless you. We look forward to seeing you.
The Beraca Baptist Church